This P*ssy Is On Punishment!

I may be relatively vulgar with my approach but this is coming from a place of sincerity. If you’re reading this, then frankly I see no point in sugar coating this situation you need to hear this! 

You’re an adult it’s okay you’ve heard the word pussy before and if you’re feeling offended I guess you should leave. If you’re not offended that’s good, because here’s the part where I talk about how glorious, magnificent and beautiful you are. If you haven’t already learned that your body is a temple [the only one you get, in fact] YOU’RE GONNA LEARN TODAY!

Today is the day you begin to unlearn a lot of the unhealthy practices you’ve been applying to your life over time. This “ pussy punishment” is not permanent [unless you want it to be], it’s really more about self discipline and allowing a renewing of your mind. Having self control isn’t about anybody else but YOU [and you’re God]! You must have the will and the motivation to change who/what you attract in your life and that starts with understanding celibacy. Change the way you think, the types of conversations you’re having and feed your consciousness with nourishing content*. This transition to celibacy is going to take a bit of practice so I suggest that once you’ve changed your mindset you begin to set new intentions for yourself and start journaling your journey. Looking back on your mindset after a few months will be positive for your growth in this space. From this healing space you will be able to see more clearly the type of person who you should rightfully connect with.

IF you happen to deviate from this new path, don’t feel like you can’t finish the journey just pull up your big girl pants and stop putting yourself in compromising situations. Remember, mistakes happen, just don’t beat yourself up for too long. You’re not a failure...but DO NOT keep doing it, then it’s a pattern that you won’t be able to pull away from. The whole point of this journey is about learning who you are and falling deeply—madly in love with yourself so you that you learn and know how to love and be loved in return.

A few books I’d recommend reading for nourishment: