Wait! For What?

What are you trying to prove and who are you trying to prove it to?

I started this movement for Celibacy Is the New Black because in today’s current culture celibacy is the last thing on people’s minds. It became a mission for me to help inspire people to feel confident and positive that waiting for the right time can put you on the right path to successful and healthy relationships. The most important relationship being the relationship you have with yourself. If you are not healthy and whole the sexual relationships that you enter into will be based on whatever damage you are harboring and that energy can be passed to your partner(s).

The word celibacy, has only ever been connected to religion, meaning no sex before marriage because it is displeasing to God. However, there are a lot more people who are celibate for reasons aside from religion. The word celibacy seems to scare people; because it makes individuals have to be accountable for their actions and realistically nobody wants to be accountable for sex…or rather not having sex. Who wants to waste all the fun of NOT getting in on by having to learn about self? Some of us are hard wired to believe that if we don’t have sex we can’t be sensual sexual beings, I just believe it’s important to learn and know your higher self first so that you will honor your mind, body, and spirit.

You may not be aware of this, but there are a myriad of reasons to unpack on why some of us get caught up in unhealthy cycles and routines about sex that we don’t question. As we trek through this thing called life we learn about who we are and what we want in life and once we are clear, we are better suited to understand the motivation behind our actions. Some of us have had trauma in our lives that lead us to sex in unhealthy patterns. Some of us stand firm in our spiritual convictions that we are waiting for God to present us a husband or a wife before we share in sexual intimacy. There are some of us who simply need to cleanse and cease activity because of a divorce/separation/breakup. Then again, some of us may just be naive and make decisions based on what society tells us [insert your favorite ratchet TV show here]. Whatever your reasoning is—it’s yours and yours alone.

The one thing I will always—ALWAYS stand firm to is that Celibacy Is the New Black is NOT for everyone, but if your journey in life has led you to celibacy…WELCOME!

So, the next question is Why are YOU waiting?

We are looking for contributors for this movement.